Finding ways to reduce energy by providing you a cost-effective energy conservation program in the areas of lighting, HVAC, and solar.


Lighting Retrofits:

Lighting is one of the top energy consumption items in a facility. By updating your lamps or fixtures with more energy efficient devices, you can offset the cost of the project over time and improve the quality of light in your facility.

  • Rebate Program Assistance: Some utilities offer rebate incentives to do lighting energy retrofit projects. Contact us and we will let you know what is available in your area.
  • Lighting Controls: As the green initiative continues to grow, adding controls to your lighting system can improve your overall energy cost.

HVAC Controls:

An HVAC Control System allows you to heat and air parameters from a remote location 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The system provides you with real-time data on how efficient your units are running and can identify issues in advance.

  • Rebate Program Assistance: As the green initiative continues to grow, updating your existing HVAC systems with new controls can make them more efficient. Contact us and we will let you know what is available in your area.


By choosing to use solar power, your business will be able to reduce reliance on unpredictable electricity prices. This can, in turn, save you up to 75% on utilities at your facility. It might also attract new customers to your business. Many consumers are now opting to use businesses that make an effort to choose environmentally conscious options.

  • Incentives & Rebate: To encourage the growth of solar, some governments, utilities, and other organizations offer solar tax breads and financial incentives to make solar more accessible for today’s homeowners. Contact us and we will let you know what is available in your area.

Remote Access Control Systems:

An Energy Management Control System allows you to optimize your energy usage. We do this by installing a computerized control system in your facility that will help regulate energy consumption. This control system is capable of monitoring both environmental and system loads. This, in turn, allows you to adjust settings for lighting, heating, and air, and power.